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    "category": "history",
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    "correctAnswer": "Absolute Monarchy",
    "incorrectAnswers": [
      "Constitutional Monarchy",
      "Parliamentary Democracy"
    "question": {
      "text": "What kind of government dominated most of Europe during the 17th century?"
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    "category": "society_and_culture",
    "id": "622a1c357cc59eab6f94fd14",
    "correctAnswer": "Karl Marx",
    "incorrectAnswers": [
      "Ludwig Wittgenstein",
      "Friedrich Nietzsche"
    "question": {
      "text": "Which philosopher famously said 'Religion is the sign of the oppressed ... it is the opium of the people'?"
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    "id": "622a1c347cc59eab6f94f8df",
    "correctAnswer": "Dennis Hopper",
    "incorrectAnswers": [
      "Kevin Spacey",
      "James Stewart",
      "Robert Mitchum"
    "question": {
      "text": "Which actor played the role of Frank Booth in Blue Velvet?"
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    "id": "63afff982d1dcedfbb654568",
    "correctAnswer": "The Tempest",
    "incorrectAnswers": [
      "A Midsummer Night's Dream",
      "Romeo and Juliet"
    "question": {
      "text": "In which of Shakespeare's plays does the character 'Prospero' appear?"
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    "id": "622a1c387cc59eab6f950b46",
    "correctAnswer": "The Velvet Underground",
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      "Alice in Chains",
      "Marilyn Manson",
      "Fall Out Boy"
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    "correctAnswer": "Gin ",
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      "text": "The Term 'Dutch Courage' Originally Came From The Consumption Of Which Drinkt?"
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    "category": "history",
    "id": "639ae2bb929b90846f2fc8b1",
    "correctAnswer": "Harald Hardrada",
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      "Ragnar Lothbrok",
      "Ivar the Boneless",
      "Sweyn Forkbeard"
    "question": {
      "text": "What is the name of the legendary Viking warrior who fought in the Battle of Stamford Bridge?"
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    "id": "622a1c3b7cc59eab6f951712",
    "correctAnswer": "Pantomime",
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      "text": "Which word comes from a Greek word meaning 'imitator of all'?"
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    "id": "622a1c3a7cc59eab6f9511b1",
    "correctAnswer": "Eris",
    "incorrectAnswers": [
    "question": {
      "text": "Who is the Greek equivalent of the Roman god Discordia?"
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    "category": "science",
    "id": "622a1c377cc59eab6f95047a",
    "correctAnswer": "heat",
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      "the future",
      "the future",
      "a neologism for the Pilates method, a system of physical exercise"
    "question": {
      "text": "What is Thermology the study of?"
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    "difficulty": "easy",
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  • The internet's largest Trivia API with 10,622 approved questions.

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(Available with a Complete subscription)

Het schilderij "American Gothic" van Grant Wood maakt deel uit van welke kunststroming?
  • Modernisme
  • Pointillisme
  • Primitivisme
  • Ukiyo-e

The only API to offer picture questions

(Available with a Complete subscription)

Which image shows the Scottish city of Edinburgh?
This montage was created from images already available on Wikicommons.
Clockwise from top-left: View from Calton Hill, University of Edinburgh Old College, View of Edinburgh Old Town, Edinburgh Castle, Princes Street as seen from Calton Hill.
Composite of seven photos for use in the Las Vegas Strip article. Top is "Night Panorama of the Las Vegas Strip, featuring Project City Center construction to the right"; second row is "the Las Vegas Sign. June 2005" (left) and "Las Vegas strip" (right); third row is "Caesars Palace - Across Bellagio Lake" (left) and "Tropicana - Las Vegas Boulevard intersection" (right); fourth (bottom) row is "View northwards of en:Las Vegas Boulevard, taken from the Tropicana Avenue intersection, between the New York, New York and MGM Grand hotels." (left) and "Canals at the Venetian Resort Hotel Casino, a Venice-themed hotel and casino located on the famed Las Vegas Strip in Las Vegas, Nevada, on the site of the old Sands Hotel. The Venetian is owned and operated by the Las Vegas Sands Corporation." (right).
Clockwise: View of Johannesburg CBD from 
Braamfontein, The Central Business District as seen from the top of the 
Carlton Centre, The Wits University East Campus, and the Sentech 


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What is The Trivia API?

The Trivia API is an API that provides multiple choice quiz questions across a range of categories. It is designed to let developers build quiz apps without needing to manage a large database of questions. For paying subscribers there is also additional functionality:

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